

Cold, Flu or Coronavirus/Covid 19 – Which Might I Have?

Updated April 27, 2020 According to WHO and CDC, Coronavirus/Covid 19 shares many symptoms with the common cold and seasonal flu. According to the CDC, it now appears that Coronavirus/Covid 19 sufferers often have some combination of symptoms that do not usually appear with cold or flue: Extreme Tiredness, Shortness […]

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We are Stronger Together

People all around the world are staying at home and self-isolating to protect themselves from anyone who has Coronavirus/Covid 19 – and everyone else from them just in case they could pass it on. No question: self-isolating is hard, boring, and frustrating. But it is also a chance to gain […]

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What do Camels Have to Do with It?

I was lucky enough to be able to visit the Sahara a few weeks ago, in Morocco, (before the outbreak of the virus). One of the highlights for me was riding a camel into the sunset and seeing the beautiful light and hearing the silence all around me, silence I […]

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Ready for Funny? Here’s Screaming Chicken!

Hi Thabo, I will miss seeing you every week. I noticed that you seemed to be happy and that made me happy. I hope what is happening isn’t making you upset. I’ve been reading the news and it sounds like your government is acting quickly and doing the right thing […]

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Become a Knowledge Ambassador

There is a lot of confusing and just plain bad information being spread about Coronavirus/Covid 19. Fact: Widespread bad information can be just as or more dangerous than what seems scary to start with! Net Buddies, we challenge you to fight ignorance and false rumors wherever you find them!  Your weapons […]

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Things Do Get Better

Hi everyone! I’m writing from Arizona, the state with all the cactuses, rattlesnakes, and crazy summer heat. Some days in July it can be 46C! I’ve been thinking about the world-changing events that have taken place since I’ve been alive, which is a long time—I’m 63! There have been so […]

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