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I Say “Hello” – You Say “Goodbye”

Dear Net Buddies and Blazers,

Even before coronavirus it made sense to try to understand others’ cultures and traditions to smooth the path in building a relationship, which is extra important when entering the work world.

Now, with coronavirus, we may have to even flex our extra sensitive understanding  muscles to people we already know since we may all have different levels of comfort with social situations. Right now, when people are on edge, they are even quicker than normal to lash out verbally or physically about new things like standing too close and mask wearing. This is a good time to role model responsibility and a different way to act in response.

Do people who aren’t wearing masks bother you? How do you react around them?

Do you wonder to yourself how often people are washing their hands before accepting something someone hands you?

When people are frustrated or angry around you, do you ask yourself if they are afraid of something before you reply to their mean comments?

You know what to do – write down your thoughts and share them with us.

10 thoughts on “I Say “Hello” – You Say “Goodbye””

  1. I just realized I spelled the word “because” wrong in my response (#2) above. See what I mean about making mistakes? We all do it.


  2. 1.Yes it does bother me because they don’t care about their safety and others around them.So they are putting others and themselves at risk.
    2. Yes I do but I would never know if they do wash their hands as they say and how often they do.

    1. Thanks Angela,
      I agree with your comments here. Do you have some thoughts on question 3?
      Nice job,

    2. Hey, Angela. From reading your responses, I can tell you have strong feelings about this issue. Your writing skills are sound. When answering a question, it is often helpful to work the question into your answer.

      If you look at what I added (inside the parentheses) in #1, you will see what I mean. Also, a small point, but if you can avoid using the word “So” to start a sentence, the sentence reads more like writing than the way we usually talk. I added the words “seem to” only because we never really know what’s in someone’s head unless we ask.

      1. It does bother me (when people don’t wear masks) because they don’t (seem to) care about their safety and others around them. They are putting others and themselves at risk.

      I made some similar changes to #2. Your doubts are quite clear, but look at the changes (in parentheses) I made to put the question into the answer and shorten your response. (Sometimes, shorter is better.) Readers also would be interested in how this wondering makes you feel, so go ahead and write about those feelings.

      2. I do (wonder if people have washed their hands) but I would never know if they do and how often they do.

      I could not help but be curious about your feelings regarding Question #3. I know you feel something. Let it out in words!


    1. Hi Thembela,
      Putting your own mask on is a good response. We can’t always change how others act. I also like that you are protecting yourself proactively so that whatever others do will affect you less.
      Do you have some thoughts on question 3?

    2. Hey, Thembela. Even though your answers are short, I can tell your English writing skills are coming along nicely. I’d like to see you expand on your answers. I rewrote your responses below. See if you can see what changes I made and how they change the impact of your answer.

      1.Yes they do,all I do is to put my mask on.

      People not wearing masks does bother me, but all I can do is put my mask on to protect myself and others.

      2. I don’t because I know I wash my hands often.

      I don’t wonder about others washing their hands because I know I wash mine often.

      The main thing I changed was putting the question into your answer. That helps keep the reader–or listener–focused on the topic. I would love to see you expand on your answers next time. (And answer all of the questions.) Let me hear more of you in your responses. You can write, so push yourself, even if it means making mistakes. That’s how we learn.


  3. 1.Yes they do bother me, they know that corona is real and it kills and still they do not put their masks on. I react with them by doing social distancing and wearing a mask.
    2.Yes I do wonder how often they wash their hands, because they have to wash their hands every now and then to not infect others or get infected with covid-19.

    1. Hello again, Tsebo. I appreciate the way you are challenging yourself to answer these questions and all the work you’re putting into this. I’m going to do something a little different this time. I’m going to rewrite your answers and put my work below yours. See if you can tell what I’m doing differently than you–it’s not too much different–and see if you can do it next time. (I know you can!)

      1.Yes they do bother me, they know that corona is real and it kills and still they do not put their masks on. I react with them by doing social distancing and wearing a mask.

      (TIM) Yes, it does bother me when people don’t wear masks because they know the virus is real and it kills. I react to the them by using social distancing and wearing a mask.

      2.Yes I do wonder how often they wash their hands, because they have to wash their hands every now and then to not infect others or get infected with covid-19.

      (TIM) Yes, I do wonder how often they wash their hands becsue they have to in order to help prevent infecting others or themselves with Covid-19.

      I”ve mentioned this to you before: you have strong writing skills! It’s time to push yourself and make mistakes if you have to. That may be the best way to improve your writing. I make mistakes all the time, which is why I always have someone check my work. I’m looking forward to your next piece.


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