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Net Buddies & Net Blazers, Let’s Hear it from YOU!

Let’s hear it from YOU!

OK, Net Buddies & Blazers, in the last few weeks you’ve had a lot of love, support and advice sent your way and we hope you’ve found it helpful.  It’s been great to hear from so many role models, at home in SA and all over the world, who have shared uplifting stories about the things that have got them through difficult times.  But now it’s YOUR turn.

Let us know what you’re doing to try and keep upbeat during lockdown.  Are you reading anything that’s inspired you?  What music are you listening to? (Maybe you’ve come across a quote, or song lyrics, that speak to you?)  How are you reaching out to help others in your family or community?  Maybe you’ve got some good study habits to share?

Whatever you’re doing, if it’s helping you, it might just help someone else too, so please reply to us and Amy or Zoleka will call you to hear your story – then we’ll post them on the website.

P.S. If you prefer to remain anonymous, we can share your story that way too!

12 thoughts on “Net Buddies & Net Blazers, Let’s Hear it from YOU!”

  1. Nhlanhla Somdakazi

    I visited my uncle’s house, because it is in a quiet area, so I can get to study in peace, I listen to my music everytime I study and I like to summarize the topic and use previous question papers to answer the questions based on topics I’ve covered so far.. that helps me know where I lack

  2. Hi is Wanga here, as I am a professional BMX racer and we are not allowed to go and pratice on track I only do home workouts alone.
    Honestly speaking I don’t read books. I like positivity I also read inspiring quotes and the quote that came up for this week is “alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” on this lockdown I have learnt so much about life. Covid 19 gave me lessons.
    1. Life is too short.
    2. Jobs are temporary.
    3. Heaith is wealth
    4. Always save money.
    5. We need God to survive.

  3. ​Well since the lockdown has started I’ve been putting more of my focus on my studies. And I found it more interesting to study on my own since I don’t get distracted. I usually use the past question papers, make notes and if there’s any challege I communicate with my educators for assistance. Mindset lessons are also one of things keeping me busy and focused.

    I’m interested in Human Biology but I find myself getting interested in Geography after watching KNOWN UNIVERSE and POSSIBLE WORLD on channel 181.😃…I’ve even found out that Venus is rotating the wrong way because it was hit forcefully by a giant asteroid.

    Yoga also keeps me fit and gives my encephalon oxygen.

  4. Thandekile Ntshakala

    My lockdown story
    Apparently I have gained more weight than I needed since the year started so I decided to work on myself during the lockdown. Things have been hard but slowly I will achieve my goals, you know the dangers of not talking good care of yourself, losing shape, heart problems and difficulty in breathing. I exercise 4 times in a week for at least 3 hours, drink lots of water. I have started on green tea journey once a day for good skin and flat stomach.

    Yooo there is a lot I can say, I feel proud of taking care of my mom during this time since there is no income from her side as a street vendor.

  5. At First, I mean when the lockdown began.. everything was tough the first 2 days at home doing nothing was just too much for me.

    I started receiving daily exercises from Infinite Family and I did them early in the morning before anything else and again in the evening. In the afternoon I read novels when online learning was in process and wasn’t finalised. I was too lazy to do anything. All I did was just sleep and eat. Because of the fear I have of being fat I’ll always check what exercises Johannes has for me each day.

    I have my favourite book that I always read when I feel like I’m failing myself, ‘The 5AM Club- Own Your Mornings And Elevate Your Life,’ it explains how great geniuses, business titans and the world’s most wisest people start their mornings to produce great/good achievements in their everyday lives. And if I don’t read any of my books, I will read the daily posts sent by Infinite Family, for instance Musa’s story.

    [During lockdown] I actually did nothing and I stayed indoors. Since, the online learning started, I have assignments everyday, a quiz everyday, and an activity to complete every single day!!!

    Then I started being lazy to read and I had no motivation to do school work.
    But, when it comes to novels I always have energy to read them.

    I have no study method, especially since we are studying from home. My home is not a suitable place to read, I can’t do it at night when everyone is asleep. I tried but it’s not working because I’d be feeling tired because of the house chores the whole day. I can’t even sleep during the day so that I can stay stay up all night.

    I’m still in contact with my mentor Elinor, who is always there for me when I need something and she never disappoints. We dod my assignments, activities and everything together through phone calls, because she knows my home situation. She didn’t mind to help me out. We always share everything that’s going on in our everyday lives during lockdown. I email her when I need something and you know what? She will always, and I repeat always, help me out. She has never let me down. When I feel down she is the only person I go to.

    I remember one day during lockdown I emailed her to let her know that I want to drop out because – wow – I couldn’t do anything. Online learning wasn’t working for me. Everyday is a due date even now I have to 2 assignments to submit. But, guys when other Net Buddies were given Mentors, I was blessed. Whatever I did during lockdown I’ve shared with her. I felt like she was always here with even though she’s miles away from me. How I wish to finally meet her personally and thank her. That lady has been with me in every step of the way. Since, high school, actually since I met her she always helped me the most [of anyone] with my school work because she always wants what’s best for me yes she does 😌.

    She taught me how to believe by believing in me!!

  6. Letlhogonolo Letshabo

    Well nothing much since I was always indoors before lockdown. Each and every morning I exercise. I’ve been trying to apply to some universities. I’ve been always listening to soul messages because it just makes me feel relaxed and I communicate a lot with my friends.

  7. Nothing much just to stay indoors since our company is on a lockdown. What keeps me busy is Watching movies lots of movies. And right now im at Eastern cape so im not with my family I am alone but my family is keeping well and they bought lot’s of food with the money that I have send last month

  8. Nothing much just to stay indoors since our company is on lockdown and I keep busy by watching movies. Right now am at Eastern Cape and am not with my family I am alone but my family is keeping well and they bought lot’s of food with the money I have send them last month.

  9. During this lockdown I have been trying to focus in my school books and keeping mind sharp to be prepared when school re-open again.

  10. Every morning I cycle with my mother, when we are done we jog for about an hour. After I’m done with all my chores, I start studying for about 4-5 hours, and I video call my family for about 30 minutes or more, just to check how their day is like and how are they coping.

  11. Well since this lockdown started I don’t have nothing to do but school work and business as a side hustle.

    1. Well, it has been very busy. I have six modules and we are being bombarded with assignments and tests, there us no time to rest.

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