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#PassTheMic – Series #1

If SA’s teens are looking for good role models during lockdown, they don’t need to look far.  Infinite Family’s Net Buddies are setting a GREAT example. We asked you to share what you’re doing to keep upbeat and – Yoh – you’re killing it!   Of course, there have been bad days when you haven’t felt like doing much – and that is understandable – but your messages tell us that, despite the weirdness, you’re still super focused on your goals!

Katlego starts every and ends every day with a workout, using the exercises on our website.  And, for extra inspiration she’ll dip into her favourite book, Robin Sharma’s The 5am Club which is about getting more out of life by ‘owning’ your mornings. With days full of chores and online studies, things get exhausting, so Katlego checks in with her Mentor, Elinor, when she can and says, “she never lets me down and teaches me how to believe, by believing in ME!”

For Pabella, lockdown has been full of surprises.  She’s focused hard on her studies and, while she communicates with her educators if she hits any roadblocks, she’s really enjoyed studying by herself … because there are no distractions!  Another surprise is that she’s now loving Geography as much as she’s always loved Biology (thanks to TV shows like Known Universe and Possible World).  Aside from work, she’s practicing Mindfulness to stay centred and keeping fit with Yoga.

It’s been different for Thandekile, who’s decided to use the home time to concentrate on taking better care of herself.  She’s been motivated by the concerns for people with existing health challenges – like heart problems and difficulty breathing – so she’s started exercising daily and drinking Green Tea!  And, on her difficult days, she reminds herself how good it feels to help her Mom, whose income as a street vendor has dried up during lockdown.

Interesting, huh?  We’re all in the same crazy situation but we each have our own, unique way of dealing with things and it’s cool to hear how others are coping. What about you?  Drop Amy or Zoleka a line and share your Lockdown Tips.   We’d love to hear them.

3 thoughts on “#PassTheMic – Series #1”

  1. Hey Buddies I’m Boipelo. During this lockdown I’m busy with my school work . I like reading Sophia Town, and I’m glad that we are going back to school to finish what we have started . Every morning I jog only for 5km .

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