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Elsina’s Electrifying Success

People don’t realize it, but living in poverty includes lots of daily math. For example, how many trips to the community faucet does it take to hand wash one load of laundry? For Elsina, the answer used to be 9: 3 trips to fill the basin to wash, 3 trips to rinse, and 3 trips to add softener so her clothes wouldn’t be stiff after drying on the line. Ninety minutes just to fetch nine buckets of water, and that didn’t even include the time for washing and wringing the clothes!

Now working in a permanent job as a Cathodic Protection Technician, Elsina and her husband have built a home with piped water and electricity. She even has her own washing machine. What does she spend her free time doing now? Studying for her next level qualification!

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