Impact Amplified!
There’s no question that YOU, our Infinite Family, is the best! We know it’s very hard in today’s hectic and uncertain world to make a commitment. Whether for time, money, or focus – it’s not easy. And still, yesterday, amid a million sources competing for your attention, you came through for South African teens!
Not only did you refuse to leave any matching funds on the table from @GlobalGiving, you placed Infinite Family #7 on GlobalGiving’s Leaderboard – out of 349 projects! This is our highest ranking yet. THANK YOU!
The Infinite Family team has immense gratitude for everything you did yesterday. Many of you responded to the urgency of the competition and scheduled your gifts amid busy mornings. Several of you refused to go to bed without supporting our Net Buddies in the final minutes before midnight. All of you dug deep into your pockets to make sure African teens have the support they need to succeed in school, then work and life.
Thanks to you, Infinite Family continues to grow and expand how our Net Buddies gain strength and skills to build better futures. We thank YOU for their success.
#julybonusday #makingadifference #makinganimpact #mentoringmatters #youthdevelopment #makeitcount #createopportunities #makingtheworldabetterplace